Category Archives: Prototypes

Soul Gun


Project: Soul Gun
Genre: 2D Platform
Platform: Web (HTML5/WebGL)
Job description: Game Programmer
Technologies: Unity3D, .NET, C#
- Ludum Dare 39: (510th position of +2500 games)
Source Code:


Graphic Designer
Pablo Dapena

Game Designer
Carlos L. Hernando

Game Designer, Level Designer
Alberto Sageras Roman

Game Programmer
José Miguel Sánchez Fernández - [EX3]


A game made for the Malaga Jam Weekend VI & Ludum Dare 39 Game Jams. A game made in 48h!

A 2D platform game with a gravity and energy mechanic. The player only can move on floor and shoot his weapon. Each shoot invert the gravity on entire level, enemies included, and each shoot consume a part of the player soul. If the player consumes his soul, then he will die instantly. The player can restore his soul when not shooting his weapon during a short time.

This game shared the MalagaJam and Ludum Dare themes: Atraction & Running out of Power.

Project Jupiter (Cancelled Prototype)


Project: Project Jupiter (Codename)
Genre: 2.5D Cinematic Action-Platformer
Platform: PC (Windows, Linux, Mac)
Job description: Game Programmer, Game Designer
Technologies: Unity3D, .NET, C#, PlayMaker (used to create base state machines)


A 2.5D Cinematic Action-Platformer. This project is born as a result of a bet between friends. Since 2010, I have been doing small tests with Unity3D, but no projects or prototypes. This project has helped me to try to learn the basics of the engine and gain some experience for future projects.

The prototype implement a functional character player with some of basic states, with functional weapon. The development focused mainly on the player's implementation and the visual style for future game levels (mainly lighting tests and retro look & feel). The project uses free assets, include part of the Angry Bots demo assets from Unity3D 4.

This project was cancelled due to several technical problems with 3D assets (old assets from Unity3D 3 and 4 versions, not compatible with new material system in Unity3D 5) and other related problems.

Full prototype level gameplay

Current State (early 2017)

In September 2016, try a new approach to the concept of the game, using new assets, compatible with Unity3D 5. This is a capture of a prototype with the new material of the project, trying to recreate a control similar to that of games like Shadow Complex:

At present (January 2017) the project is based on the original concept discarded, more typical of games of the 90's like Another World or Flashback:

State of the project in January 9, 2017, some tests focused on player basic mechanics (run, walk, jump, fall, landing, climbing...). Implementing own character controller and FSM system (without PlayMaker).

T.L.S.A.: Argos Operation


Project: T.L.S.A.: Argos Operation
Genre: 2D Point & Click - Graphic Adventure
Platform: Windows
Job description: Game Designer, Game Programmer, Graphic Desisgner
Technologies: Visual Basic 6.0


Point & click graphic adventure game. Attempt to improve the concept implemented in the previous game, TLSA: The Light Star Adventure. This time, the game had the ability to display larger scenaries, the player could move with the mouse, making a side-scrolling movement, like a 180 º view.

This time, the elements of the game, like the characters, already had basic animations and sound effects. The game development is unfinished, due to the complexity of developing in Visual Basic 6.0 Windows Forms and User Controls system. The result is an advanced prototype of the concept designed, a little achievement.

The graphics are own made ​​freehand with mouse in Microsoft Paint. The sounds are a mixed of samples from other comercial games.

T.L.S.A.: The Light Star Adventure


Project: T.L.S.A.: The Light Star Adventure
Genre: 2D Point & Click - Graphic Adventure
Platform: Windows
Job description: Game Designer, Game Programmer, Graphic Designer
Technologies: Visual Basic 6.0


Point & click graphic adventure, in first person, set inside a spaceship, being attacked and boarded by enemy soldiers. The player taking the role of a prisoner who manages to escape from his captors and aims to try to escape alive from the ship.

The player can navigate the corridors of the ship, interact with various elements of the enviroment (look in wall panels, input controls, access to computer terminals, investigate corpses...), talks with characters (the conversations could have various lines of dialogue with different ways and results), inventary, which could be used with scenarios, and even was available ability to shoot enemies in specific scenes.

The game had only one level, the corridors of the ship and some rooms, giving a total of 15 different locations. The game had several situations, either by death or specific situations (terminate arrested by soldiers, for example). Were available automatic checkpoints to avoid losing the game progress from certain points. The graphics are own made ​​freehand with mouse in Microsoft Paint, and static, without animations. The game hadn't sound or music.