Ginger: Beyond the Crystal for Nintendo Switch (Porting)


Project: Ginger: Beyond the Crystal
Studio: Drakhar Studio
Genre: Adventure, 3D Platformer
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Job description: Gameplay Programmer, Tool Programmer, Tester
Technologies: Unity3D, .NET, C#, SVN, Tortoise SVN
Store links: Nintendo Switch


Ginger: Beyond the Crystal is an adventure platformer in which you have to rebuild and restore balance to a world devastated by the explosion of a mystical crystal. Face quests and challenges set over 3 worlds and gain powerful new skills, costumes and powers that will help you to defeat the fiercest.

Gameplay Programmer and Tool Programmer for the porting to Nintendo Switch version. I worked on optimization tasks on code and helped to optimize asset graphic implementations in scenes (mostly consisted in grouping and baking meshes for reducing draw calls). Other task consist in develop small intergrated tools (to help to search large amount of objects in scene by component type and other filter options, mainly to help in light mapping tasks), studied and tested the game against the Nintendo Switch TRC guidelines and testing the game with the last changes on the Nintendo Switch hardware.