Demons With Shotguns (Xbox One & PS4 port)

MEGA (Mundo Estrella Galicia) Sport Training (Kinect)

Pipe Push Paradise (Nintendo Switch, XBox One & PS4 Port)

Slayaway Camp: Butcher’s Cut (Nintendo Switch & PSVita Port)

Ginger: Beyond the Crystal for Nintendo Switch (Porting)

Argos: CICE MPV Project (Unity3D Master degree final project)

Soul Gun

The Esc4pe, a “primitive shooter” made with Unity3D

Pirates: Treasure Hunters

Project Jupiter (Cancelled Prototype)

Slot Bonanza for Windows 8 (porting)

Ninja Runner (Cancelled Prototype)

Escape from Hell


Grey Infection

Pulpetes Forever

White & World

TLSA Engine

Aquanoid (CP2K8)

dx_lib32 Project

Counter Strike Map Design

T.L.S.A.: Argos Operation

Lode Runner level design experiment

T.L.S.A.: The Light Star Adventure