Soul Gun


Project: Soul Gun
Genre: 2D Platform
Platform: Web (HTML5/WebGL)
Job description: Game Programmer
Technologies: Unity3D, .NET, C#
- Ludum Dare 39: (510th position of +2500 games)
Source Code:


Graphic Designer
Pablo Dapena

Game Designer
Carlos L. Hernando

Game Designer, Level Designer
Alberto Sageras Roman

Game Programmer
José Miguel Sánchez Fernández - [EX3]


A game made for the Malaga Jam Weekend VI & Ludum Dare 39 Game Jams. A game made in 48h!

A 2D platform game with a gravity and energy mechanic. The player only can move on floor and shoot his weapon. Each shoot invert the gravity on entire level, enemies included, and each shoot consume a part of the player soul. If the player consumes his soul, then he will die instantly. The player can restore his soul when not shooting his weapon during a short time.

This game shared the MalagaJam and Ludum Dare themes: Atraction & Running out of Power.