White & World

Campus Party 2010: "DesarrolladorES Game Jam" Videogame Showcase

Campus Party 2010: "DesarrolladorES Game Jam" First Prize Presentation


Project: White & World
Genre: 2D Platform-Puzzle Adventure
Platform: Web/Flash
Job description: Graphics Designer Support
Technologies: Flash, Action Script 2
Dev blog: https://ex3perience.wordpress.com/category/compo-rapida-cp2k10/ (ES)
Download: white_and_world_cp2010_flash_player_windows.zip

The ZIP file include the Adobe Flash Player 32 bits for Windows and the SWF game file. Run the CMD file to launch the game.


Producer, Game Designer
Eduardo Millan - SiPoX

Game Programmer, Graphic Designer
José Zanni -Josepzin

Graphic Designer Support
José Miguel Sánchez Fernández - [EX3]


1st place in the Game Jam of Campus Party Spain 2010!

A project for the Game Jam in GameDev area of Campus Party Spain 2010. A 2D platformer-puzzle adventure with the mechanic of create and destroy by the action of eliminate the enemies in the correct order.

The restrictions of the Game Jam were: black & white theme, puzzles, create & destroy.

P.D.: At the beginning, the idea was a I will program the game, in Visual Basic 6.0 with the TLSA Engine, an unfinished own game engine based on dx_lib32 (an own game framework) that can be found in this portfolio. The early prototype was made with it, but at last hour, we decided to use Flash and Action Script 2 for the final development.

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